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Artist Among Us: Andrew Weatherly

Art History: Andrew Weatherly has had a deep interest in art since elementary school. Born with Down Syndrome, concentrating on his natural ability to wield a paintbrush has helped him develop fine motor skills, including navigating proportion, space and the use of color, and has opened doors for the young artist that would otherwise remain shut. “My art allows me to explore different avenues and develop and expand my inner self,” says Weatherly. At 22 years old, his strong skills have already garnered much attention, including a 2014 VSA award from The Kennedy Center, which is given to emerging artists between ages 17 and 25 with special needs, and the opportunity to exhibit and sell his work through Artlifting, a growing network of gallery and workshop spaces in major cities across the country that provide the homeless and disabled a venue to create, exhibit and sell their work.
The Piece: “Treasure Trove,” acrylic on canvas, $225 for limited edition print,
Inspiration: “My inspiration behind ‘Treasure Trove’ was the coolness of the ocean at the beach in New England,” says Weatherly. It is the sister piece to another acrylic he painted last year called “Under the Sea.”

From May 7 to 29, Greenwich Arts Council turned Greenwich Avenue into a walking museum via Art to the Avenue, for the 18th year in a row. Local businesses hosted works from more than 120 unbelievably talented artists, six of which were singled out by our judges.
-PHOTOGRAPHS by Bruce Plotkin

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