From her business, Aux Délices Foods to four cookbooks, Greenwich resident, entrepreneur and mom Debra Ponzek has made a career of making the answer to “what’s for dinner?” an easy one. Her first cookbook, Dinnertime Survival ($18), has become a staple in the meal rotation for our associate editor Kristan Zimmer. “As a mom of three boys juggling sports schedules and work, I literally turn to Ponzek’s first cookbook weekly,” says Zimmer.

Ponzek curated the cookbook with the idea that kids are picky, time is precious, and ingredients aren’t always innumerable. “I really wanted a cookbook that would hopefully add some delicious recipes to the week-to-week repertoire that most prepare each week,” says Ponzek. Chapters are broken down by chicken, fish, pasta, burgers, veggies and dessert. “Once you’ve decided what you feel like having, just open to that chapter and start cooking! I’m hoping that some of the recipes become family favorites.”