Fun Westchester Hikes

Fall Hikes - Gelnville Woods

Jane Daniels, author of Walkable Westchester, says these local parks are perfect for stretching your legsโ€”and amazing views.

North County Trailway
Near the Croton Reservoir
โ€œIt offers sweeping views over the Croton Reservoir and is accessible to people on bicycles, in wheelchairs, and with dogs on leashes.โ€

Burden Preserve
Mt. Kisco
โ€œThis lesser-known park is both beautiful and easy to navigate. See how the vegetation differs in a wetland, pond, stream, meadow, upland forest and rock outcropping.โ€

Glenville Woods Park Preserve
โ€œHere you can wander on marked paths through the former site of a nursery. For the more adventuresome, walk along the unmarked trails in adjacent Buttermilk Ridge Park.โ€

Woods Roads in Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
Cross River
โ€œA walk on the wide woods roads in this more than 4,000-acre reservation means you can walk side-by-side with a friend.โ€

Photograph by Jane Daniels

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