Why You Should Be Playing Squash

A squash racquet on the floor of a court with a ball on top.

The 104-year-old Ox Ridge Riding & Racquet Club in Darien, CT, has long been famous for its top-notch equestrian offerings. Now, thanks to a $10 million restoration and
reconstruction project, the clubโ€”which is set to reopen in mid-Juneโ€”will feature upgraded facilities including a new clubhouse with eight squash courts. Will Newnham, head squash
professional at the club, explains why squash is a great sport:

Itโ€™s a real workout.

โ€œIn a half-hour of squash played at a high standard, you can expect to burn close to 400 calories,โ€ he says.

Itโ€™s a mood booster.

โ€œTheintense cardio gets your endorphins pumping, which reduces stress levels and increases dopamine levels.โ€

Itโ€™s safer than it looks.

โ€œIt is always good to call a โ€˜letโ€™โ€”replaying the point if there is interferenceโ€”if you think that you could possibly hit your opponent with the ball or racquet, or run into them on your path to the ball. I would always recommend wearing protective goggles.โ€

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