The American Cancer Society hosted its tenth annual “Women Leading the Way to Wellness” luncheon event on May 15, 2024 at The Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa. With more than 400 attendees, the 2024 event honored two individuals for their important and exceptional work – Madhavi Raghu, MD, a radiologist and breast imaging specialist at Connecticut Breast Imaging, and Shieva Ghofrany, MD, FACOG at Coastal Obstetrics & Gynecology in Stamford, and co-founder of a tribe called v (@drshievag). Keynote speakers included Gabby Bernstein, spiritual coach and NYT best-selling author, and Stephanie Szostak, actress, author, and mental health ambassador. The luncheon also included a silent auction, and a welcome from Stamford Mayor Caroline Simmons and Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz. During the Lt. Governor’s opening remarks, the month of May was declared as Women Leading the Way to Wellness month by the Governor of CT.
With over $200,000 raised through sponsorships, ticket sales, a silent auction and single donations, funds will help build a movement to empower women to recognize the value of making their own health a priority. According to the American Cancer Society, the key to prevention is focusing on early detection and healthier lifestyles such as maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise, avoiding tobacco, and getting regular health screenings.
Tri-chairs for the annual event include Robin Selden, Maureen Clark-Newlove and Kitt Shapiro. Members of the planning committee include Shieva Ghofrany, Shantana Hazel, Shelley Kapitulik-Jaye, Jessica King, Wendy Kroll, Nancy Landauer, Marisa MacLean, Morgan Napier, Morgan Nealon, Janice Perna-Nicholas, Kim Pugh, Mia Schipani, Jami Sherwood, Melissa Stein, Sarah Swanberg, Kaitlyn Tarpey-Borea, Kelly Thomas, Robyn Whittingham, Kayla Williamson, Zara Williamson, and Tracie Wilson.Next year’s event will be held at a new venue, the Hyatt Regency Greenwich. Additional information will be available in the coming months at and on Instagram (‘@acswomenleadingtheway).